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developers collaborating

Quickly understand your processes with redesigned Knowledge Views

Double form creation rate with the all-new Properties Pane

Instantly return query results using Business Value Previews

Manage form definitions and objects with SQL Showcase

Improve efficiency, accuracy, and visibility with

Order-to-cash automation for manufacturing firms

Speed up approvals and gain end-to-end visibility of your sales process with an automated order-to-cash solution designed for the manufacturing and hard hat industry.

Get a demo


Process Director 6's revamped user interface anchors all its new features.

  Keep your tools handy
Artists don't put their palettes away when they change brushes. So we created an all-new Properties Pane - putting all the controls for form designs front and center - doubling the rate our customers create new forms.


Double-check queries, double-fast
Measure twice, cut once, they say. When it comes to developing complex queries, it's not always easy to "measure" the results. Business Value Previews go beyond validation, giving developers a real-time look at the results of their queries, across all connected databases.

Take doubt out of form definitions
Detail-oriented form creators take pride in showing off their work. The new SQL Showcase gives them the ability to clearly see all the SQL views associated with form definitions and their supporting objects. From there, SQL commands are automatically generated based on the form fields chosen.


Easier to use Knowledge Views
Making sense of complex data is what we do best. So we made our Knowledge Views easier to read, and easier to use. A modern design visually simplifies the data, while a new context menu organizes the row actions.

See the Properties Pane in action:

Solutions Engineer Kris Johnson shows how Process Director 6's new Properties Pane doubles your form creation and editing rate.


Ready to create more at your company, with more?

Get in touch with your account manager to see Process Director 6 in action.

Contact The Team

"I use Process Director to show me how we are performing against our forecast – and can use it to reforecast, if necessary."

— Lisa Campbell-Chau
Director of IT Finance, Contracts & Vendor Management, MultiPlan

MultiPlan used Process Director in conjunction with their Microsoft Dynamics ERP to achieve major process improvements:

  • Accelerated approval process turnaround time

    MultiPlan's IT finance team used to spend several days processing and approving major expense/CapEx (MER) requests. However, with our platform, the process was streamlined and the turnaround time was reduced to just a few minutes.

    Lisa Campbell-Chau, Director of IT Finance, Contracts & Vendor Management at MultiPlan, was impressed with the speed of the approvals, saying, “One of the fastest approvals we have ever had involved three people and was done in less than five minutes.”

  • Maximized operational visibility

    With our platform's search function and dashboards, MultiPlan's management was able to improve their visibility into the company's operations.

    Campbell-Chau explains: “I do a lot of reporting on all major expenditures and Purchase Orders. I use Process Director to show me how we are performing against our forecast – and can use it to reforecast, if necessary.” 

  • Improved audit tracking for IT asset disposal

    Our platform's document management capabilities allowed MultiPlan to easily access all key supporting documents for their IT Asset Disposal System in one place. This made the monthly reconciliation reports much easier and faster to prepare.

    “Finance does monthly reports as well – and we must reconcile our reports," Campbell-Chau explains. "That effort is significantly easier and faster due to having Process Director.” 



Streamlined exception approvals within their finance function.

Improved audit tracking for credit rebills and voiding/expediting checks.



"Process Director’s business logic lets you go as deep as you need to be consistent with your business process. This has made our lives a lot easier."

— Bruce Lawrence
Senior IT Manager, Liquid Controls