
A medical affairs leader at LimFlow explains why they turned to BP Logix for a powerful publication management solution that delivers the same core functionality as competitors at a more cost-effective price point.

When I stepped into a leadership role at an early-stage life science company, I knew I’d wear many hats. I also knew I’d need to be strategic about where I devote my energy if I wanted to stay focused on the big picture.

Finding technology that speeds up the more time-consuming parts of my job was a priority for me because it would help LimFlow bring our life-changing therapy to patients and providers faster.

At LimFlow, we’re dedicated to improving the lives of patients suffering from critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). This severe form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) restricts blood flow to the legs, feet, and toes, which can lead to tissue damage and even amputation.

Limeflow-CLTIThe LimFlow System is a minimally invasive procedure that improves blood flow by creating a bypass around blocked arteries. Our unique approach to treating this debilitating condition offers new hope to those who have been told amputation is their only option.

One of my top priorities as a medical affairs leader at LimFlow is to ramp up our publications and build out our department. However, we faced significant challenges with our publication management process that hindered our ability to achieve these goals. As a smaller company, we struggled to find an affordable and accessible solution for automating our publication management process.

Here's how we’re overcoming those challenges by partnering with BP Logix.

Our publication review challenge

One of the biggest challenges of our publication review process was how much time we had to spend managing feedback from multiple reviewers. If we had ten reviewers providing feedback on a single publication, that meant there were ten versions of the publication that needed to be reconciled.

Manually combing through each version and reconciling all the feedback into one cohesive document requires a lot of time and effort on our part, and it increased the chances of errors creeping into the process.

To make matters worse, we were relying on email exchanges to facilitate the entire review process, which resulted in a lot of inefficient back-and-forth communication between the reviewers and our team.

Pouring so much time and manual effort into managing publication reviews meant pulling my attention away from other opportunities for growing the company, building our brand, and establishing a reputation within the industry. Overall, our publications were taking longer to produce, and we couldn't share important research as quickly as we would have liked.

To ensure our new medical affairs department can keep pace with the company’s growth goals, I knew we’d need to find a publication management solution that could free our team from tedious, time-consuming busy work.

Evaluating solutions

During our search for a publication management solution, we initially considered Pubstrat, a well-known option in the industry. However, after reviewing the pricing, it became clear that it was not feasible for our budget.

PubPro-product-pharmaThat’s when we decided to take a closer look at PubPro from BP Logix.

While larger companies with bigger budgets might be able to justify the cost of solutions like Pubstrat, we found that PubPro offered the same basic functionality at a much more reasonable price point — making it an excellent fit for the needs of a smaller, early-stage company like ours.

What really stood out to us during the evaluation and sales process was the BP Logix team's willingness to accommodate our needs. They worked with us to develop a solution that fit within our budget while still meeting our functionality needs. We appreciated the level of personalized attention we received. It was clear that BP Logix was invested in helping us succeed.

Implementing PubPro

Working with BP Logix has been an incredibly positive experience so far. They have made implementation a smooth, seamless process, working with us every step of the way to ensure that the solution meets our needs.

The functionality we're most excited about are the collaborative document authoring tools. We expect this to be a game-changer for us, as it will streamline the publication review process and reduce the amount of manual effort required to reconcile multiple reviewers’ feedback.

With the ability to have multiple reviewers working on the same document simultaneously, our medical affairs team will be able to save so much time:


While PubPro is a newer product, we're excited about the potential for future features and capabilities. We know that BP Logix is invested in listening to customer feedback and using it to shape the product roadmap.

We look forward to the continued development of PubPro, and we're confident that it will be a valuable asset for our team as we continue to grow and develop our medical affairs department.

Catie Leary

Written by Catie Leary

Strategic Marketing Manager at BP Logix