Across the country every year, students apply to colleges and universities unaware of the complex series of processes that support their admissions application. Getting this mix of processes and workflows streamlined is critical for this major milestone— one which has a huge effect on the culture of the school, and the life of the student.
Process Director by BP Logix empowers universities in the creation of customized higher education admissions processes, and currently supports a myriad of colleges and universities both nationally and internationally. For students, the intended outcome is simple: acceptance to their desired school. But behind the scenes, Process Director is supporting this potential result through process efficiency, reliability, repeatability, using a suite of unique workflow and adaptive case management tools. With these, admissions departments have the ability to optimally identify and select those students who will be the best fit for the school.
Business process management (BPM) is critical for efficient higher education admissions department because processes drive the student journey from the first point of contact (admissions application), through the financial, housing, and scheduling aspects of a student’s life, and ultimately, all the way to graduation. But this is not without layers of complexity.
This requires an agile approach to process, one that ensures higher education IT departments are able to serve a wide variety of stakeholders (administrators, parents, students, financial aid organizations, among others), and still maintain adherence to governmental, organizational, and industry governance requirements and compliance frameworks. Additionally, they are often restricted by budget constraints, and to ensure equity, the admissions process is usually held to rigorous standards.
Process Director is uniquely positioned to support the needs of college IT organizations. Its digital process automation capabilities enable the efficient processing and reviewing of applications across all necessary admissions counselors and administrators. As the application process has become more competitive and rigorous, students are required to provide more data points to make their case and stand out from other applicants. The University of Central Florida, for example, received 43,225 applications for the 2018-2019 school year alone, each of which required analysis and processing, all within a 3-4 month timeframe.
To optimize the process, higher education can rely on Process Director’s case management capabilities as well as the ability to build and deploy these applications through low code development. This makes it easy to create sophisticated digital applications that emphasize a human-directed work style. A case management approach also enables each student’s file to be moved through the processes and milestones required by admissions departments. Process Director applies automation to improve how and where applications are routed, and individual admissions team members are equipped with the tools necessary to collaborate, advocate, and discuss students and the factors being weight to determine acceptance. In the higher education applicant process, this includes: 1) screening, sorting, and scoring; 2) individual analysis; 3) committee collaboration; and 4) decision.
To facilitate and optimize these processes and workflows, Process Director uses capabilities that have been proven to help the unique needs of fast-moving admissions teams, including:
Colleges and universities are seeing more demand as young people seek higher education as a path into the global economy. To serve these needs, Process Director provides digitally transformative education workflow solutions, facilitates efficient distribution, and streamlines the monitoring and management of information.
The modern educational organization must effectively manage a complex process of applications, reviews, acceptance, and confirmation— and a digital process platform facilitates just that.