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Kicking the Tires of BPM, Workflow and BP Logix

Written by BP Logix | Dec 23, 2014 7:55:11 PM

Our primary goal in understanding how we can best assist our customers, and prospects,  is to learn what they do and understand how they are doing it. We need to get a clear picture of their current environment or, in other words, we want to know their story.

Yet before a prospect is ready to engage with us, we also know they often want to kick the tires — to get a sense of our story—and to validate that they want to spend time with us to do that. We believe we have a compelling story and we love having that opportunity. This ‘conversation’ enables us to start a dialogue that enables us to understand where we and you, our prospect, intersect.

The BP Logix story is a somewhat ‘typical’ scenario. Our business emerged, and grew,  as a result of the inefficiencies we observed among vendors delivering  BPM solutions. The timing was 2008 and 2009 – and we had been developing enterprise software solutions for almost 10 years at that point. We recognized that business process management (BPM) is, and was, not simply a one-size-fits-all approach that is implemented once, upgraded when necessary and managed daily. There certainly is BPM software at the core of our solution. There are also, however, other aspects to consider. These include cultural change and adaptations to company behavior.

When we work with either a prospect or customer, we believe in creating a partnership.  We work collaboratively to deliver something bigger than software or upgrades. There are a number of pieces that we address at both the product and relationship levels—and we do this in a way that is neither overly complex, nor arduous.

Following is a quick roadmap of who we are and what we do - in essence, the basics of the BP Logix story:

1. Knowing your business: The first thing to know about us is that our way of determining if and how we can potentially help  begins with getting to know you.

2. Understanding challenges: We have spent considerable time understanding both the market — and our customers’ needs. A desire to be more efficient, the need to get colleagues on the same page, then getting the green light to making something happen  are common challenges and goals our prospects and customers face. We understand  and can help you articulate and address those challenges.

3. The value of BPM and workflow: Until you actually see numbers that are the results of actual customer experiences (outcomes), it may be difficult to think through the possibilities that can be result through a better way of working.

4. The heart of the matter: Reading BP Logix BPM blogs can help you understand how we think about business process improvement, what we have created with our smart forms, how workflow underpins every process — and how to conduct business in a more efficient and profitable way. Our blogs represent our thoughts as to what is working and where progress can be made. They reflect what we hear from our customers and prospects — and what we learn as a result of those relationships.

5. Process, personified: Maybe the best way to understand what we do, and how you might benefit from partnering with us, is to get to know Process Pat.  Read and view the path he has undertaken to achieve his objectives through business process management and workflow automation.

6. Process Director: We talk a lot about how workflow and process automation can effect change, but it is important to understand the actual BPM platform on which that is built. It is an award-winning platform, to be sure — but it is the reason that our customers are also winning awards. Customers like Johnson & Johnson who were just awarded Gartner’s Global Excellence in BPM award for 2014.

7. Try it: Get to know what BPM and workflow look like. Request a free BPM software demo — and let’s start to get to know one another.